24-26 May 2023 Saint-Denis (France)

Welcome to the website of the JIM 2023!

Every year, the Journées d'Informatique Musicale gather researchers, developers and various stakeholders of musical life using computers and computer science as a tool for diffusion, creation, interpretation or pedagogy.

The JIM are steered by the Association Francophone d'Informatique Musicale (AFIM) and are supported by the Direction générale de la création artistique at the French Ministry for Culture and Communication.

This occasion (May 24-26, 2023) will put the emphasis on the four following topics, in the wake of ISEA 2023, of the ANR BBDMI project, beside the subjects usually adressed:

Making music with the electricity of the body and the brain

In the wake of the ANR BBDMI project, musicians appropriate the techniques of electromyographic (EMG) and electroencephalographic (EEG) capture of the body's electrical signal. State of the art, technological and musical experiments are expected!

Open-source, open hardware and the small embedded systems

In computer music as elsewhere, open access to knowledge extends to hardware. Open software and open hardware have earned their credentials on the side of modular instruments as well as on the side of small embedded devices. Welcome to the maker communities.

Symbiosis, new models of interaction

The theme of symbiosis is honored, in the wake of ISEA 2023 in Paris of which MSH Paris Nord is a partner. A possible definition: symbiosis designates the co-existence of organisms with variable relationships. How do we coexist with our machines? At a time when artificial intelligence is at the heart of our systems, can we rethink models of interaction to make music inspired by the living?

A tribute to composer and researcher Horacio Vaggione, who will be 80 years old in 2023

A leading figure in musical research, electroacoustic music, computer science and musical creation, his singular and inimitable style has crossed the ages and inspired many young musicians throughout the world. Horacio Vaggione is at the origin of the creation of the CICM at the University of Paris 8. Studies and contributions on his work are expected, in addition to a carte de blanche concert in the presence of the composer.

The JIM 2023 are co-organized by the AFIM, the CICM/MUSIDANSE at Paris 8 University, with the help of the MSH Paris Nord, the ANR BBDMI project and the French Ministry for Culture and Communication.


To attend the Journées d'Informatique Musicale 2023, registration is mandatory.

Important dates

On May 23rd, the JIM will be preceded by a study session about "Softwares for music creation: which cultural, artistic and political challenges?" at the MSH Paris Nord on the initiative of the AFIM.

Deadline for paper submission:  February 20th, 2023 => February 28th, 2023

Acceptation notification: March 31st, 2023

Deadline for the submission of camera-ready versions: April 28th, 2023

Journées d'Informatique Musicale : May 24-26, 2023, in the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Paris Nord, with the study session about softwares for music creation on May 23rd.


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